Monday, May 28, 2007
Why does Western society have such a problem with obesity?
It’s certainly not for a lack of information. There are government food guidelines for healthy eating. There are millions of books on the subject of nutrition. There are countless people who make their living as nutritionists, ready and willing to help us understand the impact of what we put in our mouths. And then there are all of the diet programs that promise results.
It’s certainly not for a lack of possible fitness activities. There are gyms and fitness studios galore - each of them with personal trainers for hire and all promising to deliver “a new you”. And then there are the “freelance” personal trainers who will come right to your home to help you exercise. We have an entire industry built around exercise and fitness equipment. From high-tech running shoes to exercise bikes and full-size weight-lifting machines for your house.
The issue is that information and activity options, in and of themselves, are useless if they are not integrated into our lifestyle.
Integration is the key to success!
The same can be said of the epidemic of consumer debt in Western society. The problem is not a lack of information or “plans” to help you save more, spend less and invest wisely. The financial “experts” are everywhere and are quite happy to help you tackle your debt situation. The problem is integrating this new lifestyle into your daily activities.
Whether it is a new retirement savings plan, a new way of eating or a new fitness regimen, you will only be successful if these new practices become ingrained into your day-to-day life and become an integral part of who you are.
The same is true about the Power of Mortality™. You can read my book, you can listen to the podcast, and you can subscribe to these Mindful Moments - but the true power of living a life that is Fearless, Focused and Free From Regrets will only be yours if you integrate the Power of Mortality™ into your life.
In the coming weeks I’ll be discussing how to integrate the Power of Mortality™ into your life.
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Labels: integration, Mindful Moment, Power of Mortality™
Sunday, May 20, 2007
What’s On Your List?
If you go to and search for the phrase “before you die” you will find an incredible number of books. You’ll find titles such as:
- 1,000 Places to See Before You Die
- 1001 Gardens You Must See Before You Die
- Unforgettable Places to See Before You Die
- Unforgettable Things to Do Before You Die
- 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die
- 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die
- 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die
- 1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die
- Fifty Places to Sail Before You Die
- Fifty Places to Fly Fish Before You Die
What about you?
Have you made any of your own “… before I die” lists?
If not, why not? It’s a lot of fun!
If you have (or you would like to get started), I encourage you to share them right now by adding a comment!
Make your “before I die” list and then get busy crossing off the items! You’ll thank me later!
Subscribe to the Mindful Moment Podcast

Labels: before I die, Mindful Moment, Power of Mortality™
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Wishing Our Lives Away?
Recently a friend let me borrow her copy of The Greatest Miracle In The World by Og Mandino. Towards the end of the book he writes:
Remember the child who says, “when I am a big boy.” But what is that? For the big boy says, “when I grow up.” And then grown up, he says, “when I am wed.” But to be wed, what is that, after all? The thought then changes to “when I retire.” And then, retirement comes, and he looks back over the landscape traversed; a cold wind sweeps over it and somehow he has missed it all and it is gone.
Enjoy this day, today … and tomorrow, tomorrow.
That quote summarizes two of the main reasons that I want people to know about The Power of Mortality™. I never want anyone to look back at their life and feel that they’ve missed something. Likewise, I want to ensure that people aren’t wishing today away while waiting for a “better tomorrow”.
So what about you? Are you making the most of each day? Tell us about it!
Labels: Greatest Miracle in the World, making the most of each day, Og Mandino, Power of Mortality™
Monday, May 14, 2007
One Year Left?
The Power of Mortality™ is about getting you to a position where you wouldn’t want to change a thing about your life if you found out that your death was imminent. I really wish that John Brandrick had read my book or heard me speak!
A report from Reuters last week described how Mr. Brandrick, a 62 year-old man from the UK, reacted to the diagnosis that he had pancreatic cancer and would probably die within a year. It seems that he decided to quit his job, stop paying his mortgage, sell or give away nearly all of his possessions and spend all of his money on vacations and meals.
(I’m sure you can guess where this is going!)
Yes, just as Mr. Brandrick was coming to the end of his money, the doctors revised their diagnosis. He didn’t have pancreatic cancer, but merely an inflammation of the pancreas that was not life-threatening.
So let’s all learn a lesson from Mr. Brandrick’s experience.
Here’s what I want you to do:
- Ask yourself what YOU would do if you were told that you had a year left to live? Write out your answers.
- Look at the list of things that you wrote down. Now cross out all of the things that you are already doing.
- Now look carefully at the remaining items - the “new” things you would begin to do, or the changes that you would make in your life. Ask yourself why you aren’t doing them now. Are they not important enough?
- Finally, I want you to realize that very few people ever have the luxury of a one-year warning. Have another look at your list and circle any items that you REALLY want to be able to accomplish before leaving this earth.
- You know what to do next!
Subscribe to the Mindful Moment Podcast

Labels: John Brandrick, Mindful Moment, one year left to live, Power of Mortality™
Welcome to The Power of Mortality™ Blog!
For the past four years I have been writing a free, weekly e-mail newsletter called “Mindful Moment”. (You can read back-issues of it here.)
It evolved from something that I sent out to a small group via my personal e-mail, to a larger list that I used an online service to manage, and finally to a list that has subscribers in 29 different countries for which I use special mailing list software on my server. Along the way, I began to do a Podcast version of Mindful Moment. (After all, as a professional speaker, it only made sense to use my voice as a medium for my message!)
And now it is time for the next evolution: the blog version.
I plan to publish my weekly Mindful Moment message using this blog. (I’m still undecided as to whether to continue with the e-mail version. Comments? Suggestions?) I also plan to use this blog to post other interesting and relevant thoughts, information, links and recommendations that I may have.
But most importantly, I am looking for input and feedback from YOU! I am hoping to build a community where those who find value in the principles of The Power of Mortality™ can come together and share with one another.
Labels: Mindful Moment, motivational newsletter, Power of Mortality™

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