For the past four years I have been writing a free, weekly e-mail newsletter called “Mindful Moment”. (You can read back-issues of it here.)
It evolved from something that I sent out to a small group via my personal e-mail, to a larger list that I used an online service to manage, and finally to a list that has subscribers in 29 different countries for which I use special mailing list software on my server. Along the way, I began to do a Podcast version of Mindful Moment. (After all, as a professional speaker, it only made sense to use my voice as a medium for my message!)
And now it is time for the next evolution: the blog version.
I plan to publish my weekly Mindful Moment message using this blog. (I’m still undecided as to whether to continue with the e-mail version. Comments? Suggestions?) I also plan to use this blog to post other interesting and relevant thoughts, information, links and recommendations that I may have.
But most importantly, I am looking for input and feedback from YOU! I am hoping to build a community where those who find value in the principles of The Power of Mortality™ can come together and share with one another.