Recently a friend let me borrow her copy of The Greatest Miracle In The World by Og Mandino. Towards the end of the book he writes:
Remember the child who says, “when I am a big boy.” But what is that? For the big boy says, “when I grow up.” And then grown up, he says, “when I am wed.” But to be wed, what is that, after all? The thought then changes to “when I retire.” And then, retirement comes, and he looks back over the landscape traversed; a cold wind sweeps over it and somehow he has missed it all and it is gone.
Enjoy this day, today … and tomorrow, tomorrow.
That quote summarizes two of the main reasons that I want people to know about The Power of Mortality™. I never want anyone to look back at their life and feel that they’ve missed something. Likewise, I want to ensure that people aren’t wishing today away while waiting for a “better tomorrow”.
So what about you? Are you making the most of each day? Tell us about it!