Friday, August 31, 2007


Agent of Synchronicity

Have you ever had it happen that you find yourself in need of something and suddenly... someone comes into your life with exactly what you require?

That's called Synchronicity. And it happens to me all of the time. In fact, I work to cultivate it!

But lately, I've found that more and more, I'm the someone who shows up in people's lives, rather than the person who is in need.

Case in point: Earlier this week, I was a guest on an Internet Radio program called The Coaching Show. We were discussing how my concept of the Power of Mortality™ can be used by coaches to help their clients get to the heart of any issue. {You can listen to the interview (there are three segments) here.}

It just so happened that Jodi Larson, a Master Certified Coach and co-host of the show, was calling in from a hospital in Chicago because her mother was in the Intensive Care Unit. During the course of the interview, she said:
"This is a great conversation to be in! Its energizing. Motivating. And its so absolutely, perfectly timely for me." Then she went on to share with me and the entire audience that it has been just over two years since the unexpected death of her husband. "Patrick, I would probably be a perfect client for you."

I find it incredibly gratifying that I am able to take my personal story and the lessons that I've learned from it and help others by sharing it with them! It always makes my day when someone says: "It's amazing that I'm meeting you right now at this stage in my life! You won't believe it, but I'm going through...."

I LOVE being an agent of Synchronicity!

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