Friday, August 31, 2007
Agent of Synchronicity
Have you ever had it happen that you find yourself in need of something and suddenly... someone comes into your life with exactly what you require?
That's called Synchronicity. And it happens to me all of the time. In fact, I work to cultivate it!
But lately, I've found that more and more,
I'm the someone who shows up in people's lives, rather than the person who is in need.
Case in point: Earlier this week, I was a guest on an Internet Radio program called
The Coaching Show. We were discussing how my concept of the Power of Mortality™ can be used by coaches to help their clients get to the heart of any issue.
{You can listen to the interview (there are three segments) here.}It just so happened that Jodi Larson, a Master Certified Coach and co-host of the show, was calling in from a hospital in Chicago because her mother was in the Intensive Care Unit. During the course of the interview, she said:
This is a great conversation to be in! Its energizing. Motivating. And its so absolutely, perfectly timely for me." Then she went on to share with me and the entire audience that it has been just over two years since the unexpected death of her husband. "
Patrick, I would probably be a perfect client for you."
I find it incredibly gratifying that I am able to take my personal story and the lessons that I've learned from it and help others by sharing it with them! It always makes my day when someone says: "It's amazing that I'm meeting you right now at this stage in my life! You won't believe it, but I'm going through...."
I LOVE being an agent of Synchronicity!
Labels: coach, Coaching Show, Jodi Larson, motivational speaker, Power of Mortality™
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
How Do YOU Find Work/Life Balance?
I received an e-mail today from someone I used to work with nearly 10 years ago. As he was updating me on his life, he told me that he recently took a year off in order to establish some work/life balance. He said that it had been about 13 stress-filled years since his last real vacation!
What about you?
How do you find proper work/life balance?
Labels: motivational speaker, Power of Mortality™, work-related stress, work/life balance
Monday, August 27, 2007
Dream BIG - The Sky Is No Longer The Limit!
How big are your dreams?
In my
Mortality Manifesto, I encourage you to be constantly moving in the direction of your dreams. But how big are those dreams and what limits have you placed on them?
I read a news item last week and between the story and the associated photos, I haven't been able to stop smiling. It's a story about dreaming BIG and I want to tell you about it.
Have you ever thought about becoming an astronaut? What about simply a space tourist? Now let's think about this for a moment... when you travel as a tourist, what are you left with when your journey is over? Yes, you have memories that last a lifetime. Yes, you have fun travel stories to tell. But for many people, the
real legacy of a trip are the photos they take along the way. Imagine being able to amaze and amuse your friends with the photos that you took on your trip to outer space!
Well, that's the kind of big dreams I'm talking about!
On August 11, 2007, a group of regular guys from Canada (southern Alberta, to be exact) launched a high altitude helium balloon from one of their backyards. Attached to the balloon was a box containing an ordinary digital camera which was set to take photos every 60 seconds. The box also contained a special tracking device to allow them to follow the balloon's progress and retrieve it when it landed. Just above the box was a parachute (to slow down the descent when the balloon burst at high altitude) and just below the box was an antenna for the tracking device.
Sound crazy? I thought so. After all - how far up would something like that realistically go?
But guess what? This homemade contraption rose to an incredible 117,597 feet above the earth before the balloon burst! When it did burst, the parachute worked perfectly, ensuring the safe return of the camera. And the tracker enabled the men to chart the balloon's progress and safely retrieve it.
So what does Alberta, Canada look like from space? (or at least 117,597 feet above ground)
For me, this incredible photo is many things. Of course it is a beautiful and awe-inspiring piece of photography. But more than that, it is a testament to the fact that we all need to dream bigger and reach higher. The fact that this was the third attempt by these men to accomplish this feat, serves to remind us that we need to persevere in the face of setbacks and learn from what didn't work in order to improve for the next time. Ultimately, it proves that any one of us can have a photo album from "space" if we want it enough and are willing to work for it!
Ever since I saw this photo and read the story, I have been using this image as my background for both my notebook and my BlackBerry. And every time I see it - I smile and I dream a little bigger!
(Read all about the story and see more photos at:
Labels: dream big, Mortality Manifesto, motivational speaker, Power of Mortality™, SABLE-3, think big
Friday, August 24, 2007
"The Coaching Show" - August 29th
Christopher McAuliffe is the host of an Internet radio show called The Coaching Show. I am honored to be his guest on the August 29th, show.
The show airs live at 08h00 Pacific on Wednesday August 29th.
You can find it at:
Labels: Christopher McAuliffe, coaches, Coaching Show, motivational speaker, Power of Mortality™,
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
How To Have A STROKE
During my presentation this week to the International Coach Federation’s Virtual Community, I spoke about an article I had written called “How To Have A Stroke”. Many people expressed interest in the article, so I thought I’d re-post it here.
In my book, “What’s Your Expiry Date?“, I wrote that my goal was to help people understand the Power of Mortality™ without the need for them to undergo a traumatic event. On October 10, 2006, twelve years after discovering the Power of Mortality™, I suffered a stroke.
Technically, it was a Transient Ischemic Attack or TIA. As I lay in the hospital for a week following the event, I realized that, thanks to the Power of Mortality™, there was nothing - not one thing - in my life that I needed to change! How many people could say that when faced with their own death?
Thankfully, I made a full recovery from the TIA and suffered no deficits or after effects. When I first wrote about this in my newsletter, one of my subscribers suggested that TIA could also stand for “Teaching In Action”. I really liked that idea! So, in the spirit of using acronyms, I would like to present a short lesson on “How to have a STROKE“
You can do it. You can take some time for yourself. Let the rest of the world take care of itself for a while. You owe yourself this time. Besides, if you don’t stop once in a while, life has a habit of stopping you.
T - Take stock of your life. Who have you become? Who did you intend to be? How do you feel about that? Be honest with yourself.
R - Realize that you are not owed any specific amount of time on this earth. Likewise, you need to realize that your loved ones are not guaranteed any specific amount of time.
O - Open yourself up and listen. You’re listening for the small voice inside of you. It may take a few minutes or it may take a few days, but you will hear it. This voice comes from your heart of hearts - listen to what it has to say about your life. The process of tapping into the Power of Mortality™ isn’t something you can “think” your way through. It must be felt at the core of your being. The problem is that most of us are very out of touch with the core of our being because we are too busy letting life live us. We never intend for it to happen that way - it just does.
K - Keep in mind the principles of the Mortality Manifesto. Commit to aligning your life with your dreams. Commit to paying attention to your thoughts, words and actions. Realize that everything in your life happens because of your thoughts, words and actions and it is up to you to ensure that these three things are moving you in the direction of your dreams. Free yourself from fear and regret by keeping your focus on the present moment.
E - Embrace your life by embracing your mortality. EVERYDAY!
Let me finish by saying that I sincerely hope that this is the only STROKE that you ever have to experience. However, if you approach this exercise with a sincere heart and actually work though the process I know that you’ll be ready for whatever life brings your way in the future.
Labels: facing your own mortality, International Coach Federation, motivational speaker, Power of Mortality™, stroke
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
The Power of Mortality™ - Step 1
The Power of Mortality™ is not about death. It’s about life! Accepting your mortality isn’t about giving in to death - it is about truly living your life on purpose.
Today, I want to discuss the first, and most difficult step in using the Power of Mortality: accepting your own mortality. Not the idea of your mortality - but rather the fact that you are mortal. On one level, we all know that we are mortal and will one day die. But I’m not talking about accepting it at the intellectual level - I’m talking about accepting it at the deep down, gut level. The same level that I felt when I was told my expiry date. The same level that has been felt by anyone who has ever had a police officer knock at their door at 3AM, or had a doctor show them a strange spot on an x-ray. THAT level.
In my workshops and keynote presentations, I often get a great deal of resistance from people about this particular step in the process. They squirm uncomfortably in their seats, look at the floor and wait for me to move on to the next point. But without accepting and even embracing your mortality, all of the other steps that I will outline in the next few posts are simply handy goal-setting exercises. The true power comes from your willingness to face the thing that we fear most.
In my presentations I always tell people that they have a choice. They can face death on their terms, or on its terms. If you wait for death to come to you, then you will face it from a position of powerlessness. After all, it is hard to make changes in your life when you are at the end of your life. On the other hand, if you take the initiative and face death now, you can do so from a position of immense power - the power to make meaningful changes in your life!
As I said at the beginning, this is the first and most difficult step in the process. So it will take some time. Just to help you along, consider the following:
The August 2006 issue of National Geographic has a very interesting article on the topic of death. Based on 2003 data from the US National Safety Council, here are the lifetime probabilities of a U.S. resident dying from various causes.
Heart Disease - 1 in 5
Cancer - 1 in 7
Stroke - 1 in 24
Motor vehicle accident - 1 in 84
Suicide - 1 in 119
Falling - 1 in 218
Firearm assault - 1 in 314
Pedestrian accident - 1 in 626
Drowning - 1 in 1,008
Motorcycle accident - 1 in 1,020
Fire or smoke - 1 in 1,113
Bicycling accident - 4,919
Air/Space accident - 1 in 5,051
Accidental firearm discharge - 1 in 5,134
Accidental electrocution - 1 in 9,969
Alcohol poisioning - 1 in 10,048
Hot weather - 1 in 13,729
Hornet, wasp or bee sting - 1 in 56,789
Legal execution - 1 in 62,468
Lightning - 1 in 79,746
Earthquake - 1 in 117,127
Flood - 1 in 144, 156
Fireworks discharge - 1 in 340,733
In my mind, the most interesting statistic of all is the one that is most often overlooked. Namely:
Total odds of dying - 1 in 1 (100%)
Labels: cause of death, fear of dying, mortality statistics, motivational speaker, Power of Mortality™
Friday, August 10, 2007
The Link Between Terrorism, Bird Flu, and Gang Violence
Earlier this week Steven D. Levitt, one of the co-authors of Freakonomics, posted a blog article titled: “If You Were A Terrorist, How Would You Attack?“. As you might imagine, this topic generated a tremendous amount of passionate responses. Later in the week, Levitt addressed some of these responses in a follow-up article titled: “Terrorism, Part II“. I was one of the people who commented on his follow-up (I’m #18) and I’d like to take a moment here to expand on my comments.
I feel that there is a link between Osama Bin Laden, bird flu and gang violence. I have done a number of radio interviews where I’ve discussed this point. In fact, the subject even came up during my hour on Oprah & Friends Radio. I maintain that all of these things have two things in common: FEAR and CONTROL. Inherently we fear anything we cannot control.
That’s why terrorism “works”. I don’t believe that terrorists use roadside bombs simply to kill people (there are far more efficient ways to do that). Terrorists use roadside bombs to instill uncertainty and fear. We fear the actions of terrorists precisely because: a) we can’t predict what they will do next; and b) we can’t control their actions - there is just no way to have a contingency for every possibility.
It’s the same with the threats of bird flu and gang violence - we can’t control them and we fear that we will be affected by them.
But at the root of it all, is our fear of death.
We can’t control the fact that we are going to die. There is nothing we can do to change the fact that one day our bodies will stop working. And for people in the Western world - that lack of control terrifies us. So we externalize the fear. We obsess about the things we feel we can control. For some it is their health. For others it is their safety. And increasingly for the USA, it is the idea of “national security”.
But how big is the threat of terrorism? In his second blog post, Levitt says: “The actual cost of … terrorism in terms of human lives is relatively small, compared to other causes of death like motor-vehicle crashes, heart attacks, homicide, and suicide. It is the fear that imposes the real cost.“
And that’s where the Power of Mortality™ comes in.
Once you’ve embraced your mortality and accepted the fact that you have a limited and uncertain amount of time on this earth - the fear melts away. After all - what are you going to fear if you no longer fear death? Oh - and as an added bonus, embracing your mortality allows you to live a life filled with vitality! I tell people that I can help them live lives that are “FEARLESS, FOCUSED and FREE FROM REGRETS”
Interested? Start with the Mortality Manifesto.
Labels: bird flu, fear of death, Freakonomics, gang violence, Mortality Manifesto, Oprah, Oprah and Friends, Osama Bin Laden, Power of Mortality™, terrorism
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Presenting to the International Coach Federation
I am honored to have been asked to be a guest speaker for the International Coach Federation’s Virtual Community.
On August 13th, I will be presenting a program called “Getting to the Heart of the Matter”. It is designed to help coaching clients get to the heart of the matter by using the Power of Mortality™.
Labels: coach, ICF, International Coach Federation, motivational speaker, Power of Mortality™
Mindful Awareness
Over the years, I have spoken and written a lot about the idea of “Mindful Awareness”. I feel that it is a very powerful tool for maintaining the new perspective that comes with embracing the Power of Mortality™.
Now it’s your turn!
Tell us your thoughts on Mindful Awareness.
Share your secrets for staying mindful.
Do you have a favorite author(s) on the subject?
Do you have any rituals that help you stay mindful?
What about music that helps with mindfulness?
Labels: mindful awareness, Mindful Moment, Power of Mortality™

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