Last week I overheard two ladies talking. Apparently they hadn’t seen each other for quite some time and were catching up. The part of the conversation that I overheard went like this: “Yes, I still find it hard to believe that I lost my husband eleven hundred and seventeen days ago.”
I was astounded when I heard that! I quickly did the math and realized that this woman’s husband had died over three years ago. Three years and she was still counting the days!
Now I’m not trying to downplay the tremendous grief that can come from losing a loved one. I certainly don’t question her right to feel the pain for as long as necessary - we all grieve in different ways. But the first thing that came to my mind was: “I wonder if she can tell me how many days they were married?”
Or for that matter, I wonder if she knows how many days old she is?
It is unfortunate that our society finds it more acceptable to focus on the loss of something, than on the joy of having it. Imagine the strange looks that I’d get if I met an old friend and had this conversation:
“So are you married now?”
“Yes, my wife and I have been married for two thousand, two hundred and twenty seven days! And we’ve been enjoying our son for seventeen hundred and eighty-seven days and our daughter has been lighting up our lives now for five hundred and ninety-nine days!”
It is often said that we don’t know what we’ve got until it’s gone. Please do yourself and your loved ones a favor and be sure to cherish each and every day that you have together.
By the way, if you want to calculate things for yourself, you can go to:
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